Museum Bank Indonesia Tracing Indonesia's Economic Evolution

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작성자 Lacy
댓글 0건 조회 10회 작성일 24-09-10 01:30


A Museum tells tales of golden and dark days gone by, major historical events and recounts humanity's progress. Museums not only educate our present and future generations but often act as a vessel of inspiration. Often, museums are moved from place to place through the years and this assists in enhancing its disposition and character as it continues to accumulate items of historical value.

IMG_0033.jpgFor anyone with an interest in the economic development and bank policies of Indonesia, the Museum Bank Indonesia is the place to go. Found next to the Bank Mandri Museum opposite the Beos Kota rail station in old Jakarta city, the building in which the Museum is presently housed in has an interesting history for it was originally used as a hospital in the early 19th century. In 1953, however, its purpose was transformed to managing the nation's economy and monetary policy as the Central Bank of Indonesia. Subsequent to the relocation of Bank Indonesia, in 2006 the building entered its most colourful stage yet as a museum tracing the nation's history since colonial times through currency.

Housed in a majestic white washed building with remnants of colonial influences, the building is the ideal place for anyone to educate themselves about the economic growth and development of Indonesia. The Museum Bank Indonesia has a number of collections including local currency printed or minted throughout the years, the different policies that the bank has adopted and a large number of equipment used in days gone by such as manual perforators, manual counting machines and day safes. In addition, it is interesting to note that the Museum of Bank Indonesia won the Top Overall Award for Jakarta's Best Museum.

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Pushpitha Wijesinghe is an experienced independent freelance writer. He specializes in providing a wide variety of content and articles related to the travel hospitality industry. Resources - Jakarta hotel, hotel Jakarta


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